Take Action: Tell MN Legislators to Fund Transit For a Stable, Sustainable Future
As oil and gas profits fuel Putin’s attack on Ukraine and the new IPCC report ratchets up the urgency on our climate crisis, it’s clear the fossil fuels that dominate our transportation system are wreaking havoc around the globe. Here in Minnesota, let’s do our part to make a change. To secure a stable, sustainable future, we need our leaders to invest in transit solutions that our families can depend on. Urge state lawmakers to provide critical funding for new bus rapid transit routes, clean electric buses, and other essential transit, biking, walking, and rolling projects now.
This is about what kind of world we want to live in—and what kind of world we want to leave for the next generation.
No matter how you get around today, investing in better bus service and reducing our collective dependence on fossil fuels will strengthen our local communities and create a world that is more just, more peaceful, and more sustainable.
Tell state lawmakers to start making this a priority right now by increasing investments in transit, bicycling, walking, and rolling statewide and fully funding three new bus rapid transit lines in the metro area: the F Line, G Line, and H Line. Champions in the MN House recently introduced exciting legislation to fund these key bus lines, which all disproportionately serve communities of color. Take action now to show your support.
Let’s protect our future. Let’s protect our climate. And let’s ensure urgent transit, bicycling, walking, and rolling projects have the resources they need to move forward.