Take Action: Tell MN Lawmakers to Protect Transit and Climate in the Transportation Bill!
As advocates, we know that passing a new law is a huge victory—and just the first step.
Last year, thanks to legislative champions and supporters like you, we secured historic wins for public transit at the State Capitol. A nation-leading law that will protect our climate by curbing endless highway expansion and planning our communities around people, not cars. Unprecedented and ongoing funding that will make transit fast, frequent, and convenient across the Twin Cities.
Now, we need lawmakers to ensure these big policy and funding wins deliver the impact we need for our families and our futures. Please take action today!
With your help, we are making critical progress on transit and climate this legislative session. But that progress is at risk with big votes on the transportation bill still to come in the next two weeks. Help us resist attempts to chip away at Minnesota’s climate progress and stop efforts to limit the potential of last year’s transit sales tax victory.
Our new climate law directly addresses climate pollution from transportation and land use, and makes it easier for people to walk, roll, bike, or bus. But, to make it as effective as possible, the policy must apply to all projects on the state’s trunk highway system—not just expansion projects. And the advisory committee that oversees the implementation of the law needs to include people with the right expertise and shared motivation to protect our climate.
The dedicated transit funding we secured last year will allow Metro Transit to build out a nation-leading transit network that dramatically improves the lives of current riders and brings new people to the system, as well. But, lawmakers need to protect these transit dollars for their intended use: overdue improvements to transit service that will create real impact for riders.
With just weeks to go this session, lawmakers need to hear from you to protect our historic wins and make sure our hard work together has the outcomes we’ve envisioned! Show your support by contacting your state lawmakers. Together, we can ensure a healthy, connected, and equitable future for all Minnesotans!
Please take action today!