Final days of session: Tell state leaders to invest in transit and protect our climate!
Minnesota legislators are hammering out the details of a potentially historic transportation bill that would close our transit budget deficit, fund transit expansion, increase safety measures, and help us meet our greenhouse gas reduction goals.
But our transit champions are being pressured by lobbyists and officials who want to maintain the transportation status quo — and they need to hear from us now!
Move Minnesota and Transportation Forward coalition members are advocating for a 0.75¢ Metro area sales tax that would be a source of long-term, dedicated funding for transit. Both the House and Senate already voted for bills that direct most (5/6) of that revenue to transit but now lobbyists who are late to negotiations and officials who don’t want to raise their own revenue to meet their local needs are pressuring our transit champions to shift that money to highway capacity expansion instead.
Lobbyists who want to maintain our transportation status quo are also attacking a nation-leading policy that would ensure highway projects are consistent with established greenhouse gas and vehicle miles traveled reduction targets.
We have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to ensure that Minnesota implements its greenhouse gas and vehicle miles traveled reduction goals and to secure the funding necessary for a world-class transit system that is accessible, frequent, reliable, and that connects our communities.
The are only a few days left of this legislative session to urge our state leaders to hold the line on our climate and equity goals, and let them know that we have their backs.
Your message will make a big difference!