Take Action: Demand MN Lawmakers Fund Bus Rapid Transit Before Session Ends
It’s the final week of the Minnesota legislative session and our state lawmakers have just days left to reach a deal on big transportation funding decisions that will determine the transit, biking, walking, and rolling choices in our communities. Funding for three new bus rapid transit lines is critical. We’ve been advocating for this for months through our emails, calls, and meetings with elected officials, and we need to keep pushing today to ensure these projects make it in a final bill. Tell your legislator to vote for a bonding bill ONLY if it includes funding to build the F Line, G Line, and H Line.
It’s ok if you’ve taken action before—please speak up again right now. Every MN senator and representative needs to hear this message going into final negotiations at the State Capitol. The F Line, G Line, and H Line will bring us frequent service and faster trips across the metro area. All disproportionately serve communities of color—and parts of the Twin Cities where the bus routes are busy and way too slow. This week, we need a bonding bill that funds these urgent bus rapid transit projects and moves them forward.
It could be two years before another bonding bill comes around to fund these rapid bus lines. In the meantime, we need bus service that makes our lives and communities better. We need bus service we can depend on. And we need our state leaders to be strong, vocal champions for bus rapid transit funding NOW when it really counts. Send a message today.